Lawn Care

We recommend consistent mowing as the key to a thriving lawn. The ideal mowing height varies depending on the type of lawn, our guide offers mowing tips and the right height for a healthy lawn.
We discuss lawn diseases and their potential causes, outlining common symptoms of lawn diseases, such as yellowing, brown patches, die-back, and bare spots. We mention several factors that can lead to lawn diseases.
A complete guide on common weeds, such as Bindi Weed, Cudweed, Dandelion, Onion Weed, Soursob, Stinging Nettle, Clover, and Winter Grass, along with their characteristics and recommended treatments.
We provide comprehensive lawn care advice for all seasons, focusing on key maintenance tasks throughout the year. Our tips cover essential practices to keep your lawn healthy year-round

We provide specific fertilising guidelines for different turf varieties, with recommendations on frequency and products to use. We also offer general fertilising tips and key lawn care products for a healthy lawn.
We provide guidance on watering lawns, both new and established. We also offer specific advice for different grass types, including warm season grasses and provide general tips for efficient watering practices.