Keep your lawn lush & healthy by fertilising regularly!
A regular fertilising routine is key to keeping your lawn in great shape year round. A good fertilising routine promotes a healthy, dense growth which will give weeds a run for their money.
Prior to installation
Prior to installing instant lawn, we recommend applying Sir Launcher. Sir Launcher contains premium water crystals which absorb water and slowly release onto your lawn when needed. This fertiliser blend includes nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, essential nutrients for new lawns. Spread the starter fertiliser underneath the turf, not on top.
After installation
It is recommended to fertilise your lawn with Lawn Solutions Australia Premium Fertiliser 4-6 weeks after installing to encourage a lush, healthy lawn. Spread fertiliser evenly by hand or with a spreader and water in immediately. Be sure to read the labels and check the recommended rates to apply for your turf variety.
Fertilising tips:
- Water in well after application
- In high temperatures, wait until it cools before fertilising
- Read application rates before applying